Author: lizzieandpearl_mvaqy1

Starting Over

Starting Over

And just like that the page is turned and we start again. Beginning this time with hope for new beginnings. simple pleasures and brighter days ahead.  So much has happened since this time last year but at the same time, so much is the same. 

Lettuce in the City

Lettuce in the City

These days nothing seems certain.  For a while there grocery store stock was incredibly low and while we were never at risk for not being able to access food, the feeling of roaming the grocery store with most of the shelves empty were disconcerting.  Here 

#isolationcreation | Mask Edition

#isolationcreation | Mask Edition

Well day 35. . .38? I’m not sure what day it is anymore but it’s been over a month since we started this social experiment and last week the governor of New York has made the request to wear masks official. 

The official mandate is that when you are unable to social distance — like at the store — you need to be wearing a face covering. I think most people in my neighborhood had been doing this for a few weeks because in Manhattan it’s hard to keep 6 feet away from people regardless of where you are.  Either way, now it’s official. A sad sign of the times we find ourselves in. 

I had been using scarfs but now that the weather is getting nicer and I think we’ll be in this situation for a while now I decided to make actual masks. 

While I was cleaning out the project hoard/my closet a few weeks back I found some left over dressmaking supplies that I felt would make for good masks.  Other than that I had no plan when I got started. 

I had seen the government video showing you how to make a mask out of a T-shirt and my first attempt was based off that memory. Basically, you take rectangles of fabric and fold them into a mask-like object and stitch up the sides. 

It’s not pretty. But it functions. I used elastic I found in the bottom of a box I inherited for the ear straps. 

Not a bad first attempt but not the best outcome. 

Next I tried a pattern that I again— found on Instagram — from another creator who owns her own small business. She’s a professional seamstress who make incredibly beautiful things but she also made available a mask pattern. 

I have to say the pattern was 100% better than my self-drafted version. I’ve made a few so far because you do need to wash these after use. Not a project I ever envisioned spending time on but here we are.

I’m really happy with the fit, meaning I think this is how they are supposed to fit — but, am I the only person who has trouble breathing through the mask?  


Isolation Creation

Isolation Creation

A few weeks ago when the newness of this isolation was wearing off I was scrolling through instagram and saw that an artist I follow  and love— Jamie Beck — was challenging herself to create every day.  She’s a photographer who lives in France (swoon) 

Mornings These Days

Mornings These Days

It seems like a lifetime ago that I was rushing out the door every day and running to the train. Waking up early to get things done before almost an hour of commute to the office with what felt like 20 lbs of computer and